Our Family Forest

We would like to say Howdy to those of you who have happened upon our site here, whether it be while you are searching for people you are looking for, or by chance of finding us while surfing the net. We hope that some of you may find you are related to us, and that you will be sure and leave us a message letting us know who you are and how you are related. We also appreciate anyone who just wants to check out our site and know you are welcome to leave us a message as well... We, Bethany and Judy, have been doing genealogy for about 20 years, and Bethany also doing the work of putting up our website. We have collected records, stories and some photos and also found some family members that we did not know existed. You just never know what surprises await you when doing genealogy. Several of us have also done DNA testing to hopefully learn more about our heritage and ancestors. Our Family Forest genealogy has come from countless hours of research by both of us, as well as help from family, friends and from some strangers. Our family roots begin with the names of Walker, Payne, McCollough, Figueroa, Longoria and Corporon. From those names, many more branches of families have spread with many more surnames appearing in our family tree. The tree never quits growing. We hope you enjoy your visit here and if you have questions, we will be glad to answer what we can. PHOTOS: The pictures above contain our family members listed here.
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